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What are the advantages of aluminum outer shell processing

  Aluminum outer metal shell processing is made of aluminum alloy as a variety of shell materials, because of the processing convenience, high flexibility, high grade, can effectively increase the value-added products, to be widely used in the electronics industry, generally including aluminum profiles Housing and aluminum die-cast housing. What are the advantages of aluminum outer metal shell processing? Aluminum outer metal shell processing is now very popular, on the advantages of aluminum shell processing, there are several advantages:
  First, the electrical conductivity is good.
  The conductive and thermal conductivity of aluminum is second only to silver, copper and gold.
  Second, easy to add a certain amount of alloying elements.
  Cast aluminum alloys with good casting properties or deformable aluminum alloys with good plastic properties can be obtained.
  Third, high strength Aluminum and aluminum alloys have high strength.
  After a certain degree of cold processing can strengthen the matrix strength, some of the aluminum alloys can also be strengthened by heat treatment.
  Fourth, the density of small aluminum and aluminum alloy density is close to 2.7g /, about 1/3 of iron or copper.
  Aluminum outer metal shell processing is made of aluminum alloy as a variety of shell materials, because of the processing convenience, high flexibility, high grade, can effectively increase the value-added products, to be widely used in the electronics industry, generally including aluminum profiles Housing and aluminum die-cast housing.